Documentation of Synapse Z Duration class
table Duration.TimeSinceEpoch()
returns a new duration object with its fields being current time since epoch
table Duration.FromNanoseconds(nanoseconds: number)
returns a new duration object with its fields being the nanoseconds time
table Duration.FromMicroseconds(microseconds: number)
returns a new duration object with its fields being the microseconds time
table Duration.FromMilliseconds(milliseconds: number)
returns a new duration object with its fields being the milliseconds time
table Duration.FromSeconds(seconds: number)
returns a new duration object with its fields being the seconds time
table Duration.FromMinutes(minutes: number)
returns a new duration object with its fields being the minutes time
table Duration.FromHours(hours: number)
returns a new duration object with its fields being the hours time
table Duration.FromDays(days: number)
returns a new duration object with its fields being the days time
table Duration.FromWeeks(weeks: number)
returns a new duration object with its fields being the weeks time
table Duration.FromMonths(months: number)
returns a new duration object with its fields being the months time
table Duration.FromYears(years: number)
returns a new duration object with its fields being the years time
Field | Type | Description |
Nanoseconds | number | the time in nanoseconds |
Microseconds | number | the time in microseconds |
Milliseconds | number | the time in milliseconds |
Seconds | number | the time in seconds |
Minutes | number | the time in minutes |
Hours | number | the time in hours |
Days | number | the time in days |
Weeks | number | the time in weeks |
Months | number | the time in months |
Years | number | the time in years |