
Documentation of Synapse Z DrawingImageObject class

__OBJECT_EXISTSboolwhenever the drawing object exists or not
__OBJECT_TYPEstringthe type of the drawing object
Visibleboolwhenever the drawing object is rendered or not
ZIndexnumberpriority of the drawing object renderer
Transparencynumbernumber between 0 and 1 where 0 is fully visible, 1 is fully invisible
Opacitynumbernumber between 0 and 1 where 0 is fully invisible, 1 is fully visible
ColorColor3the color of the drawing object
Roundingnumberrounding of the drawing image
PositionVector2position of the drawing object
SizeVector2size of the drawing object
Datastring (writeonly)raw data of the image


void DrawingImageObject:Remove()

removes the drawing object from drawing object list